The Best

Winter Wellness Tips

e- Book

30 Naturopathic Tips to Keep You Well This Winter Season

Woman Drinking Tea in Wellness Spa

Restoration Wellness

"Winter Wellness: 50 Naturopathic Tips for a Healthier You"

Welcome to "Winter Wellness,"

your guide to staying healthy and vibrant during the colder months.

Embrace the power of naturopathy as we explore 50 simple tips to boost your immune system, nourish your body, and thrive in the winter wonderland.

by: Kimberli A. AlmonlA


Owner & CEO of: Restoration Wellness

Mind Mental Health Winter, Seasonal Affective Disorder SAD during Winter Months. Alone Girl Relaxing and Enjoying Life in Winter Park, Forest

Chapter 1:: Nourish with Nature

Tip #1: Sip on herbal teas with immune-boosting herbs like echinacea and elderberry.

Tip #2: Incorporate seasonal fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

Tip #3: Hydrate with warm water infused with lemon to kickstart your metabolism.

Spoon with Black Elder Syrup Made from Fresh Elderberries
Plat Lay Photography of Sliced Oranges and Grapefruit
Autumn Hot Drink - Ginger, Lemon, Honey Tea and Ingredients

Chapter 2: Embrace Winter Superfoods

Tip #4: Enjoy hearty soups with garlic and onions for their immune-boosting properties.

Tip #5: Include omega-3 fatty acids from sources like flaxseeds, fish and walnuts in your diet.

Tip #6: Spice up your meals with anti-inflammatory turmeric and ginger.

Spicy Pumpkin Creme Soup with Ginger and Garlic in
Turmeric and ginger in powder and roots on board

Chapter 3: Move Mindfully

Tip #7: Engage in winter sports like skiing or ice skating for a fun and active lifestyle.

Tip #8: Practice indoor exercises like yoga to keep your body and mind in harmony.

Tip #9: Take brisk walks in the crisp winter air to invigorate your senses.

Family on skiing
Winter walk

Chapter 4: Immune Support

Tip #10: Prioritize sleep to allow your body to recharge and strengthen your immune system.

Tip #11: Soak up natural sunlight to boost your vitamin D levels.

Tip #12: Consider supplements like vitamin C and zinc for added immune support.

Orange Cat Sleeping on White Bed
Winter Sunshine
Effervescent tablet of vitamin c and zinc supplement

Chapter 5: Mind-Body Connection

Tip #13: Practice mindfulness meditation to reduce stress and support overall well-being.

Tip #14: Surround yourself with uplifting scents like eucalyptus and lavender.

Tip #15: Foster positive relationships to create a strong support system.

Gratitude Meditation Hand Gesture
Bouquet of Lavender Flowers and Eucalyptus
Two People Walking in the Forest

Chapter 6: Stay Hydrated

Tip #16: Hydrate your skin with natural oils like sesame or coconut.

Tip #17: Drink warm water with a touch of honey to soothe your throat.

Tip #18: Opt for hydrating foods like oranges and mandarins.

Sesame oil
Honey with Wooden Dipper
Mandarins, Oranges, Fruits

Chapter 7: Herbal Remedies

Tip #19: Create a soothing chamomile tea to relax your body and mind.

Tip #20: Use eucalyptus oil in a diffuser to clear respiratory pathways.

Tip #21: Brew a cup of ginger tea to aid digestion and warm your body.

Chamomile tea
Pot of Warm Ginger Tea

Chapter 8: Rest and Relaxation

Tip #22: Indulge in warm baths with Epsom salt to ease muscle tension.

Tip #23: Establish a bedtime routine to signal your body it's time to wind down.

. Tip #24: Read a good book before bed for restful sleep.

Bath Salts in a Bowl
Routine for Healthy Sleep
Bedside Table with Books and Tea

Chapter 9: Seasonal Detox

25.teas like dandelion or nettle.

Tip #26: Include detoxifying foods like beets and leafy greens in your diet.

. Tip #27: Sweat it out with gentle exercises or sauna sessions.

White Dead Nettle Leaves and Tea
Beets with Leafy Greens on a Table
Sauna interior

Chapter 10: Connect with Nature

Tip #28: Spend time in nature to boost your mood and reduce stress.

Tip #29: Bundle up and take a winter hike to enjoy the beauty of the season.

Tip #30: Bring the outdoors inside with houseplants to enhance indoor air quality.

Family Sledding
Winter hiking.
Watering houseplants


You've just completed your journey through "Winter Wellness."

By incorporating these naturopathic tips into your daily routine, you'll not only survive but thrive during the winter months. Embrace the wisdom of nature and nurture your well-being for a healthier, happier you.

Hope you enjoyed this e-book and put these excellent tips to use this winter!

For more information or to book our new workshop “Sick of Being Sick?”, visit our website at

YAY Word Foil Balloon Letters 3D Rendering

Please Read

This information is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. The content provided here should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical doctor before making decisions about your health.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cautions that the information presented in this context is not intended to replace the expertise and judgment of healthcare professionals. It is crucial to seek the advice of a licensed physician or qualified healthcare provider for personalized medical guidance tailored to your individual health needs.

Any actions taken based on the information provided in this content are at your own risk. The FDA emphasizes the importance of obtaining proper medical consent and supervision before initiating any changes to your healthcare regimen, including the use of medications, supplements, or lifestyle modifications.

Remember, your health is a priority, and decisions about medical treatment and interventions should be made in consultation with a healthcare professional who can assess your specific health conditions and provide guidance tailored to your unique circumstances.

FDA Disclaimer: This message is not endorsed or approved by the FDA, and it is important to seek advice directly from qualified healthcare professionals for accurate and personalized medical information.